Author: Site Creator

Are you happy?

This chart is simple isn’t it? If I am happy with the way things are, I don’t need to change a thing. If I am not happy with the way things are, then something needs to change. I get to decide. Love that empowerment!
Sometimes it’s the attitude that needs some tweaking. Sometimes it is our environment. Sometimes it is the people we “hang out” with.
The key is this quote:

“Happiness is not out there; it is in you”. (unknown author)

If I know I am making an effort to be my best in whatever I attempt, I feel happy. If, for some reason, I am unable to fulfill a dream or goal, I will still be happy because happiness comes from my positive thoughts and beliefs. Now, I am not saying I won’t be disappointed if my dream does not come true, BUT, my happiness comes from trying.
This is what I have experienced. My dreams have not all come true. BUT, I am happy inside because what is best for me unfolds if I am open to it. And that makes me happy!!